Friday, August 22, 2008

Moving Out!

Hi guys!

I'm moving out to a new house! This is also involve my blog's address too. This is not because of i'm bored with blogging or stop for blogging, it's just i want to move to something new. I don't want people that i don't want to read my blog reading my blog, get me?! no? Never mind!

For you guys who want to read my rubbish blog's post, do ask me (via face to face, IM, email, forums etc.) the new blog's address or just

G O O G L E I T B Y Y O U R S E L F !




Anonymous said...

jgn lupa bgtauu aku!!

AnTo said...

wei akram, aku kan peminat blog ko. apa da ko...nanti pas kat aku address tu.

++ hainey ++ said...

keram...i want the new link tooo!!~ pls update me k...